Monday, November 5, 2007

Alzheimer's disease

Researchers at Stanford University claim to have found a blood test that can identify patients with Alzheimer's disease, which is known for being hard to find in its early stages. This test screens for 18 chemical signals which as frequently present in already diagnosed patients. Alzheimer's causes loss of memory and much confusion. The disease causes much heartache for the families of the affected individuals, which drives the reseach on Alzheimer's even more strongly. This test was conducted on a small scale, but it proves that the process of screening for chemicals can be a valuable source of information of diseases such as this in years to come. Other experimental tests for Alheimer's include MRI scans to detect shrinking brain areas and scans for certain proteins useing MRI and PET scans.

1 comment:

Mr. Olson said...

where's the link for this article?